Helen Smith:
My Research at the Australian National University

Welcome to my home page. My field is computational plasma physics and I currently work in the Plasma Theory and Simulation Group at University of California, Berkeley. Prior to this I worked at the Plasma Research Lab at the Australian National University. I primarily work on low temperature, low pressure radiofrequency discharges, using a computational technique known as Particle-in-cell, which has been developed at UC Berkeley and at ANU for bounded-plasma simulations since the mid-80's.

At the moment my main area of interest is in rf plasmas, and you can view some of my previous research on the web

Publication List

For a brief work history and a list of my publications, have a look at my CV


If you want to contact me:

Helen Smith
Rm 187 M Cory Hall
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-1770

Email: helens@child.eecs.berkeley.edu

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